(386) 804-0093

Thomas Oliphant

How did you find out about us?
I was already going to a CrossFit box that a few of the coaches were working at. Found out they were opening their own gym so it was a very easy decision to switch.
What do you like about CrossFit DeLand so far?
The coaches and members! Just an all around great place to work out at.
What is one of your biggest goals?
If I don’t say DUBS then I might get in trouble. Haha! I would also like to be more consistent on BMU’s and linking them together!
What is some advice you can give to a new CrossFitter?
Don’t worry about how much weight you have on the bar or what size dumbbell you use. Scaling is ok!! Not everyone is the same size, strength, or experience. As long as you can get a good workout in and put in the effort you will see results.
What is your favorite movement?
Running, burpees, and T2B. In no particular order and couldn’t narrow it down to one single movement. Sorry!