(386) 804-0093

Frequently Asked Questions

What does WOD stand for?

WOD stands for Workout of the Day. WODs are carefully programmed each day to provide you with a full body workout. In CrossFit, we do not have “leg day” or  “upper-body day”. We train for the unknown every day!

What if I have never done CrossFit before?

We love new CrossFitters! You don’t have to know anything about the sport before walking through our doors. We take you through a Foundations program that teaches you all of the skills performed during classes. Foundation classes are semi-private instruction that educate and prepare you for the group classes. To make sure you are comfortable with all of the CrossFit movements, you must test out of the Foundations program, but don’t panic about the test!  We provide you with training to give you the confidence you need to perform each movement.

What if I cannot perform all of the movements?

The best part of CrossFit is that every movement is scalable. Your coach will explain all of the scaling options when introducing the WOD, and you have the opportunity to choose which scaling option works best for you. We understand that not every athlete wants to train for the CrossFit Games, so we are committed to providing options for you to get the best workout possible for your individual goals.

What is the class structure?

Classes last approximately 1 hour. The first 15-20 minutes are dedicated to announcements, warm-up and mobility. Next, we review the WOD, cover all the movements in the WOD, and go over the scaling options for each movement. Finally, the class performs a 5 to 30 minute WOD.  The remainder of the time is used for cool-down and additional mobility, as needed. We encourage our athletes to keep in mind that this structure may vary depending on the WOD. This also allows you to get a different workout every time you step in the box.

I am really fit and would like to skip the CrossFit Foundations program and come to the group Workout of the Day (WOD). Can I do that?

No. All new athletes must test out of our Foundations class. If you have been doing CrossFit, we want to make sure you are familiar with all CrossFit movements; therefore, you will still need to complete the CrossFit Foundations test.  This is for your safety and confidence.

I am visiting DeLand and would love to stop in for a workout.  What is your drop-in policy?

We welcome any and all athletes!  Click Here to sign up for a Drop In!