(386) 804-0093

Tyler Hoag

Tyler Hoag has been one of our most dedicated members since the day he walked in the door. We have always had our eye on him but we were making him wait to prove that he truly was a dedicated CFD Athlete! He was named the Fittest in DeLand 2 years in a row during the CrossFit Open! We are so proud of the athlete he has become and are excited to continue to watch him grow! We hope that he takes full advantage of that parking spot and know he will continue to motivate others to be the best that they can be! We love Hoag and couldn’t think of a better person to announce at the 2 year CFD Anniversary party! We asked Hoag aka Deddy a few questions, look below to see what he had to say:
How did you find out about us?
I dont know. Crossfit DeLand found out about me.
What do you like about CrossFit DeLand so far?
I get to see, workout and talk smack with my boys that I grew up and played ball with. We’re only getting older so our time together is harder to find and CFD brings us together everyday. I’ve also met a couple of like minded guys at CFD that have become great friends of mine. That’s really 90 percent of the reason I continue to do CrossFit.
What is one of your biggest goals?
I’ve never really set Crossfit goals. It’s just something I enjoy it makes me feel good and I enjoy the camaraderie. No need to set a goal to it.
What is some advice you can give to a new CrossFitter?
Just be consistent, show up and put in work everyday.
What is your favorite movement?
hand stand walks…just kidding probably muscle ups and dumbbell curls